About the Development of Improvisational Skills in the Pupils of Children’s Music Schools

Keywords: improvisation, abilities of improvisation, improvisational quality, improvisational-pedagogic exercises.


A considerable amount of pedagogical
manuals and the programs devoted to methods
of instruction of improvisation is connected
with examining improvisation in the context
of jazz pedagogy, or the art of performance
(most frequently — piano). However,
the development of the composer’s
improvisational skills is deemed to be more
important. The difficulties of creation
of the algorithm of instruction of this type
of activities, but quite apparent is the set
of conditions connected, first of all,
with the natural inclination towards
improvisation, and also the presence
of compositional abilities; second,
with the mandatory mastery of an entire
complex of music theory knowledge.
Upon the combination of these two factors,
it becomes possible to speak of a high level
of development of improvisational skills.
The article offers the point of view
regarding the organization of the process
of acquisition of skills of improvisation,
the basis of which is comprised by six basic
components, presenting six types
of improvisation: melodic, poetical, harmonic,
textural, ornamental and genre-related.
Each separately presented subject
is significant, most notably, for the content
of the course of “Composition,” which reveals
the basic laws of construction
of a musical composition, which, in their
turn, are fundamental for the development
of improvisational abilities. And because
improvisation frequently becomes
the first impulse for creating a musical composition, which presumes its expression
through spontaneity, it follows that both
improvisation and composition thereby
exist in close mutual connection.

Creative Pedagogical Workshop