The Order of Submission of Authors’ Manuscripts to the Editors
Terms of Submission
– The authors may not submit to the journal any manuscript which was previously published in other editions (except in abstract form of lectures, dissertation abstracts or electronic preprints, published partially).
– The authors may not submit to the journal any manuscript which is in the state of examination for consideration of publication in another journal.
– The decision of publishing works must be made with the consideration of the consent of all the authors (in cases of co-authorship).
– The article may not be published elsewhere in the same form in English, Russian or any other languages, including electronic format, without the written consent of the copyright holder (editor).
The author possesses certain rights for reuse of his or her work (see “Ethical Principles about Multifold (Repeated) Publications”).
The order of submission of the authors’ manuscripts to the editorial board
1. The author shall make a request of publication of the work to the editor-in-chief and shall submit his or her for registration and internal review. The manuscript and accompanying materials may be submitted in electronic format (e-mail address of editor-in-chief:
2. After previewing, the editor-in-chief shall direct the manuscript to the experts for external review in correspondence with the subject matter of the author’s manuscript, (the journal is based on the model of the “Double-Blind Reviewing”. (See Rules of "Process of Reviewing").
3. After receiving the responses of the experts the editor-in-chief shall send recommendations for finalizing the text in correspondence with the results of the internal and external reviewing. The final date of submission of the text to the editorial board shall be considered to be the date of submission of the manuscript revised in correspondence with the critical remarks of the reviewer. The editorial board does not carry out any stylistic or literary revision of the submitted manuscripts. A direct motivated refusal to follow the recommendations of the reviewers may be expounded by the author in writing. In such cases, the manuscript shall be sent for additional examination by the members of the editorial board, and new reviewers shall be appointed. If the author ignores the recommendations of the editorial board, the article shall not be published, of which the author shall be notified by a letter from the editor-in-chief with the argumentation of the reasons for the impossibility of publication of the article in its present form.
4. After coordination with the author, the editorial board shall send the manuscript for editorial revision, which shall be carried out in dialogue with the author. After the material is typeset and before the manuscript is submitted to the publishing house, the author shall be sent the textual composition of his or her articles for final approval.
5. After publication of the journal, mandatory copies shall be delivered (according to the Federal Law “Concerning Obligatory Copies of Documents” № 77-F3), to the Informational Telegraph Agency of Russia (the Book Chamber) and to subscribers, beneficiaries among the institutes for higher education and freelance writers.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
It is mandatory to assign a DOI to all the editions of the journal and each authorial article. The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is used to ensure the citation references and links to the electronic documents. The DOI is a unique printed structural line comprised of a chain of alphanumeric characters. It is assigned to the document by the editor upon the initial electronic publication. The ID number assigned by the DOI never changes, therefore it presents an ideal means for creating a link to the document.