Types of Published Works
Types of Published Works and their Priorities for the Journal
The journal accepts the following materials for publication in Russian and English:
1. Original previously unpublished articles demonstrating the chief results of scholarly research in the categories: 17.00.00 “Art Criticism”; 13.00.00 “Pedagogical Sciences”; 24.00.00 “Culture Studies”.
2. Scholarly thematic overviews on the topical issues of art history, pedagogy and culture studies (on request of the editorial board).
3. Lectures pertaining to authorial courses related to the subject matter corresponding to the directions of the publications of the journal.
4. Interviews with scholars, specialists and activists in the sphere of art and culture.
5. Materials and discussions of issues of contemporary culture, education and art.
6. Overviews of conferences, seminars and symposiums written upon request of the editors.