Ancient World. (Depth of Times). Discoveries and Revelations

Keywords: world artistic process, main historical periods, the Ancient World.


The object of the proposed cycle
of essays is that with a maximal compactness
of presentment it presents a cumulative
overview of the chief phenomena of world
artistic culture, spanned in whole, both from
the perspective of an overall historical process
and in relation to the various arts (literature,
the visual arts, architecture, music, theater
and cinema). At the same time, it avoids
the customary rubrication according
to national schools and division into separate
arts forms with the specification of genre
inherent to each one of them, which
is in accord with the positive tendencies
of globalization and provides an integral vision
of artistic phenomena. A phased examination
of the following periods of art history
is foreseen: the Ancient World, Antiquity,
the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Baroque
period, the Enlightenment, Romanticism,
the 1st Modern style, the 2nd Modern style,
the 3rd Modern style, the Postmodern style,
and as an afterword — “The Golden Age
of Russian Artistic Culture.”

Cultures of Ancient World