Some Aspects of the Landscape Genre in the Art of Bashkortostan on the Example of the Works of Rinat Minnebaev
The viability of a society is determined by its ability to respond adequately to potential threats, including the creation of convincing images of the future. In this process, especially significant the role of the artist-creator endowed with abstract thinking, sensual and intellectual intuition. The work of Ufa-based artist Rinat Minnebaev attests the tireless search for his own interpretation of the present and future world. The domain of the artist’s heightened attention is the anthropogenic factor, which has exerted an immense amount of influence on history, the fate of ethnic groups, natural resources, and cities. Particularly modern megacities with their layout and architecture, which form the centers of dense human habitation, the place of concentration of their creative activity, provide the sources
of essential material for artistic and aesthetic understanding. The basis for the artist’s experiments is provided by satellite maps in the Google Maps program. On their basis the master creates monumental paintings from
paper pulp, which present a hybrid version of graphics, painting, relief and architectural model. In the context of the
traditions of Bashkir and Russian art, this provides a unique experience that allows us to assert a new stage in the
development of the landscape genre and its evolution.

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